Generative AI Tools Roundup (24 Experts Share Their Insights & Tips)

in Productivity

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the digital marketing industry, providing marketers with lots of tools that they can use to improve their campaigns, analyze data, and streamline workflows.

However, with so many AI tools available, it can be challenging to determine which ones are best suited to your needs and how to optimize their use.

That’s why we reached out to 24 experienced digital marketers and asked them to share their insights on the generative AI tools they use in their work, along with their tips for getting the best results from using them.

All of the experts have shared the benefits of using AI but they have also shared some of the dangers of relying solely on AI.

Keep reading to see what the experts had to share.

24 Experts Share Their Best AI Tools

Stephen Hockman – SEO Chatter

Stephen Hockman

I am using ChatGPT to help improve the writing and optimization processes for my content to help to boost topical authority for SEO. Three ways I am successfully using this generative AI technology include:

1. Improving Content Depth

ChatGPT makes it easy to expand on subtopics without having to do manual research. I can use a prompt like, “Give me 5 reasons why [subtopic] is important”, and include those as bullet points or H3 subheadings. I can then use a follow-up prompt like, “Write 50 words about each of the 5 reasons given” to get the initial copy written for those bullet points or H3 subheadings that I can further expand on or rewrite to be unique.

2. Uncovering Semantically Related Words for On-Page SEO

A key factor of on-page SEO to achieve higher rankings is to include semantically related words in the content to improve topical depth and authority on the subject matter. Semantically related words are terms and phrases that are connected to the main topic (or entity).

For example, a web page that discusses window air conditioners would lack depth and topical authority if it didn’t include terms and phrases like BTU output, energy efficiency, thermostat, room size, compressor, installation, etc. Although it’s subtle, not having semantically related words like those on the page is a clear sign to the ranking algorithms that the content (and author) lacks real expertise.

ChatGPT can help you instantly improve the topical depth and authority for any type of content by giving you a list of semantically related words to fill this on-page SEO gap. A prompt I like to use for this process is this: “Give me 10 terms related to the concept of [topic].” I then make sure to include those terms naturally throughout the content.

3. Improving Writing and Readability

I like to write fast, and at times I accidentally switch between the active and passive voice. Active voice improves readability and comprehension, so you want to use it instead of the passive voice. Also, some of the paragraphs I write come out as a stream of consciousness that may be confusing to the reader if left unedited.

Here are two prompts I use to improve the writing and readability of sections of my articles I know need fine-tuning:

“Rewrite this paragraph in the active voice: [paragraph].”

“Rewrite this paragraph so it sounds like a journalist: [paragraph].”

As you can see, I am using the power of ChatGPT to help improve my content as I write instead of trying to get this generative AI tool to do all of the writing work for me. I think this is the best approach for long-term ranking success and maintaining authenticity with my readers.

Debra Murphy – Masterful Marketing

Debra Murphy

AI tools have a lot of uses in marketing but one area many small businesses should consider is to help develop their content marketing plan.

AI tools can streamline the process so you can spend more time on creating better content faster.

You no longer have to stare at a blank screen wondering what to write or several hours researching a topic just to create one piece of content.

Areas where AI has made the process more efficient include:

1. Doing keyword research

Start by prompting the AI tool for a list of keywords for a particular topic.

2. Brainstorming topics within a topic cluster

Take the keyword list and ask ChatGPT to organize them into topic clusters.

3. Filling in your content calendar

Now you can take your list of topic clusters and ask for a list of titles for each topic in each topic cluster. Add these titles to your calendar for publishing the content.

4. Generating outlines and starter text for posts

Prompt ChatGPT to create the outline for a specific topic. You could even ask for it to write an opening and closing paragraph to get you started.

5. Writing meta descriptions

Prompt for a meta description for your title in 150 characters. This area is still a bit weak but it gets you started.

6. Proofreading the content for grammatical errors and clarity

Once you are done writing, you can use the tool to correct grammar and clean up content that may not be written very well.

Although you can have the tool write the content for you, I recommend that you use AI to create the first pass of the content and then rewrite it in your voice and style, adding your expertise.

Let ChatGPT act as your research partner and virtual assistant to make your content writing process more efficient.

Juliana Weiss-Roessler – WR Digital Marketing

Juliana Weiss-Roessler

Our team is currently using Jasper and ChatGPT on a limited basis with a single client to jumpstart basic content.

This is because it’s faster for our team to write quality, tailored content than to coach a bot through the process. And we are being cautious since the SEO implications of using AI are still unknown.

These AI bots are tools, just like a calculator is a tool.

A calculator does not make mathematicians or math knowledge obsolete. You still have to choose a strategy to solve the problem, determine what operations are needed and in what order, and finally check to ensure your strategy to solve the problem was correct.

A calculator just enables you to skip the rote work of performing basic math functions.

You should approach Jasper and ChatGPT in a similar way.

Just like you wouldn’t bother using a calculator to add 2 and 2 together, there are many situations where simply having a human writer handle the process is actually faster than trying to coach the AI.

So it’s important to understand the limitations of the tool.

AI won’t be able to form a unique opinion. It can only use the information that is already out there. It also cannot capture the nuances of a topic in order to showcase deep expertise. And often, attempting to coach it to find your brand’s unique voice is more time-consuming than is worthwhile.

You cannot use ChatGPT alone to write a book like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People because it took someone’s lived experience to identify those seven habits. And you couldn’t write a book like The Sound and the Fury because it requires empathy to write from the perspective of an intellectually disabled man.

But you certainly can use AI to summarize either book, because that knowledge is now out there. And the bot can handle the rote task of gathering and reorganizing that information in the way you need it.

So the first step is determining if the project or content is well-suited for this tool.

Is the content needed more rote — like a form letter or FAQs section? Does the content require a lot of basic fact-gathering? Are you struggling with brainstorming ideas or how to approach organizing the topic?

If so, these tools can help you quickly gather research and put together a first draft as a starting point.

Then the content should be reviewed and edited by a copywriter to ensure it serves this specific business’s needs — and to protect against any potential SEO penalties if that is a goal for the content.

And finally, it should be reviewed by a subject matter expert to ensure accuracy. The bots are smart. But it can still gather incorrect information and make it seem true.

These final steps are crucial because the content is a reflection of your business. Just like you check your work after inputting numbers in a calculator, you want a person who knows how to write to review the content.

Ali Pourvasei – LAD Solutions

Ali Pourvasei

At LAD Solutions, currently, we are experimenting with ChatGPT and Bing Chat for some of our clients and our own agency. At the moment, the primary use for the AI tools is to find trending topics for the different industries or professions our clients are in and use them to generate blog topics.

Additionally, we use these tools to find more frequently asked questions with answers for each industry and then use the content to create social posts for GMB.

We’re also looking into Jasper currently and will test out the Boss Mode trial to see how that can help streamline our own blogging.

Tips for getting the best outcome are as follows:

1. Be clear and direct when asking a question or entering a command.

2. If the AI provides an answer but you are looking for more information, you can ask it to continue or “go on” and it will add more depth to the original answer.

3. If you’re using AI for social content like Twitter which has a 280-word count, you can specify an upper limit so that the AI only outputs content within the word count limit, making it easy to repost the content with limited changes.

4. Always use a human eye to collaborate with AI. We do not recommend simply reposting the content an AI tool generates. For one, that can get you in trouble with Google guidelines if it’s detected as spam or duplicate content. In addition, without a human review, the content might not provide the best user experience which can adversely affect your company brand.

Brogan Renshaw – Firewire

Brogan Renshaw

We use Open AI/Chat-GPT for our AI tools, and the best tip for using these tools is to practice direct and literal communication.

The biggest struggle most people encounter with these tools is not getting back the type of response they are looking for, because many people try to communicate their queries as if speaking to another person.

We’re used to people actively listening to us and trying to understand what we say, filling in gaps for us, or asking questions to provide them with more context.

This results in conversations where we tend to ‘imply’ rather than state, where we use the synonyms of words or similar sounding words to the words we actually mean, and what is not said can be as important as what is said.

Communicating with AI tools is not the same as communicating with a person – it will not fill in these gaps for us or understand when something is being implied.

To get the best result from your AI tools, you need to:

  • be deliberate and careful with the keywords you use – check with a quick search online if the words you’ve picked reflect your intended meaning
  • provide context or instructions for the response you need.

When you can communicate with your tools in a way that they can understand you, you will be able to unlock the full potential these tools have to offer.

Christina Nicholson – Media Maven

Christina Nicholson

I use ChatGPT as a content creator. Here are some ways.

Generate new content ideas by providing a topic or keyword related to my niche. ChatGPT can provide suggestions for additional topics.

Improve content headlines to get suggestions to improve existing headlines or headline ideas.

Expand on topics by providing a general idea or question.

As for the best prompts to use with ChatGPT, it really depends on the content creator’s needs and goals for that specific piece of content. Here are some examples:

“Can you suggest some new content ideas related to [topic]?”
“What are some common questions related to [topic] that I can answer in my content?”
“Can you provide some insights and statistics related to [topic]?”

But, you MUST proofread everything. ChatGPT is a shortcut – not something to do all the work. It’s not always accurate and it’s definitely not conversational.

Lauren Hamilton – Digital Narrative

Lauren Hamilton

As a web developer and digital content producer, I’m using two different ai tools right now. I use ChatGPT to write the first draft of blogs, webpage copy, and advertising copy for Meta and Google ads.

I usually have to run through several iterations before it gets close to the brief, after which I copy the text to a Word doc and edit it to match the tone of voice, regional detail, and word count.

One thing I’ve noticed is that ChatGPT at this stage is best for creating content on a topic you already know a lot about because its accuracy is not always 100%.

If using it to create a copy on a subject you know nothing about, be sure to fact-check anything it produces.

I also use Canva’s new ai image creator, which is in its infancy still but looks promising for generating images from text. It can’t yet create icons, or infographic style content which I believe is a shortcoming.

Dmitriy Shelepin – Miromind

Dmitriy Shelepin

At Miromind, we have integrated the ChatGPT-4 API into our internal platform to generate content briefs for our projects and clients’ websites. We combine data from our in-depth clustered keyword research and prepared context vectors.

Once we have this data, we feed it as prompts to the ChatGPT API, which generates highly targeted content briefs for our content writers.

This approach not only streamlines the content creation process but also ensures that the resulting content is tailored to address specific keywords and audience needs.

By leveraging the power of GPT-4 and combining it with our expertise in SEO and content strategy, we can provide our clients with high-quality, engaging, and well-optimized content that drives organic traffic and supports their overall digital marketing goals.

Nick Donarski – Ore System

Nick Donarski

I am currently using Chat GPT for my generative AI needs. There are a few tips for better data aggregation around your topic that will increase the effectiveness of your requested content.

The more specific the prompt, the better the outcome from the generation request. Being as descriptive as possible will provide the AI generator with greater detail to understand what is expected from the outcome of the request.

So, if you are using AI to generate images, the more adjectives used, the better the result will be. You can also ask for the type of quality with images, so 4k and 8k can be used for a more detailed look.

Covering the style of art that you are looking for helps ensure the design generated will meet your expectations as well.

As a digital marketing expert, staying up-to-date with the latest technology is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge. We utilize OpenAI’s ChatGPT to streamline our content creation process.

By providing a detailed outline and specific instructions, we can generate high-quality, engaging content with minimal editing required.

Our best tips for getting the most out of generative AI tools like ChatGPT are:

  • Start with a clear and concise prompt, outlining the topic and desired output.
  • Set the appropriate creativity and output length to match your content requirements.
  • Don’t hesitate to iterate and refine your prompt to achieve the desired outcome.
  • Always review and edit the generated content to ensure it meets your quality standards and aligns with your brand’s voice.

Brandon King – Home Security Heroes

Brandon King

1. ChatGPT

We use ChatGPT to help generate content topics and blog post headlines. It’s a useful tool to have a general overview of a content idea that we can use to brainstorm or guide our editorial strategy.

A tool that lists multiple options helps us easily optimize blog posts and tests which converts well for headlines.

For example, if we want to create a pillar post on the most common cybersecurity threats, we will ask ChatGPT to formulate content topics we can make as blog posts.

Depending on the prompt, it will come up with a list of topics that we can choose to use as is or give inspiration for other topics. This way, we can work more efficiently and scale our content creation.


Dall-e is an AI-powered image generation tool created by the same guys who made ChatGPT, OpenAI. We plan to use it to help us create custom illustrations to bring our blog ideas to life.

For example, we can use Dall-e to generate an image of a hacker attempting to break into a computer for a blog post about cybersecurity.

These tools need getting used to. To use them more effectively, it’s necessary to understand the capabilities and limitations of each tool.

PS: While writing this, I read that Microsoft will release an AI chatbot for cybersecurity experts. I can’t wait to try that one.

Kacper Rafalski – Netguru

Kacper Rafalski

As a leader of the demand generation team, one of our go-to generative AI tools is OpenAI’s ChatGPT. We have found it to be efficacious in automating certain tasks like producing subject lines for emails and captions for social media posts. Additionally, it has been advantageous in the development of chatbots for our website, which facilitates lead qualification and customer support.

Our team also employs Stable Diffusion for tasks involving image creation and text completion. This particular tool has been exceptionally helpful in crafting visuals for our social media posts and website content.

When implementing generative AI tools, it is of utmost importance to ensure that the output remains consistent with the messaging and tone of your brand. We recommend setting clear guidelines and regularly reviewing the output to maintain coherence.

Another piece of advice is to use the AI-generated output as a starting point and refine it through human editing. This not only ensures that the content satisfies the desired quality standards but also adds a personalized touch to the output.

In conclusion, generative AI tools can serve as an invaluable asset in a demand generation team’s arsenal. However, it is crucial to employ them thoughtfully and strategically.

Kinjal Vyas – Windzoon

Kinjal Vyas

As a marketing person, I have used all the possible tools from ChatGPT, Jasper,, and other auto content-generating tools. There’s a strict “no-no” to paid versions of content-generating tools because it can make us completely rely on them and our team only approaches tools to only add-on ideas or information in case we miss out and completely depending on tools can rust both critical & creative thinking.

After putting a lot of thought and analysis I personally have concluded to stick with ChatGPT.

Two major reasons why to use ChatGPT

  1. The tool itself thinks and generates sensible content after a pause.
  2. It generates everything from titles, descriptions to big articles.

E.g.: Write me an article on “AI” – or Give me a one-line title for “AI Services”

And the output comes according to the instructions given, whereas other websites and tools have a separate section for all types of content, in ChatGPT, everything can happen under one roof.

Robin Salvador – KodeKloud

Robin Salvador

When it comes to generating new ideas, there are a variety of tools available to get the job done. Some popular options include Openai chatbot, Jasper, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney.

Generally speaking, all of these tools can be used in a variety of ways to produce interesting results.

For openai chatbot, for example, users can start with simple questions or scenarios and then explore how the bot responds.

Jasper is also great for creating randomized experiments, which allows you to test different assumptions about your problem in an effort to find the best solution.

Stable diffusion is another great option for generating new ideas. This technique involves spreading a given concept or idea throughout a group of people and seeing what emerges as the most popular option.

Midjourney is similar in that it helps you identify bottlenecks or problems early on in your development process so that you can fix them before they become big problems.

All of these tools are useful in their own way, but ultimately it’s up to the user to figure out which one works best for them. With a little bit of creativity and experimentation, anyone can generate some amazing new ideas using generative AI tools!

Vladimir Fomenko – Infatica

Vladimir Fomenko

As someone who values efficiency and productivity, I believe the best way to get the most out of ChatGPT is to ask clear and explicit questions. ChatGPT is a strong tool, but its effectiveness depends on the questions asked of it.

To obtain the best results, asking as precise and detailed questions as possible is essential. For example, rather than asking, “How can I improve my business? “it is preferable to question, “What are some good marketing techniques for small businesses?

When asking a question, it is also helpful to include as much background as feasible. This can assist ChatGPT in comprehending the problem you’re attempting to address and delivering more appropriate and valuable responses.

Lastly, it is essential to exhibit patience and perseverance. ChatGPT is a machine-learning model; thus, it may take a few attempts to receive the optimal response to your query. By being explicit, specific, and patient, you may maximize the effectiveness of this potent instrument and attain your objectives more quickly.

Ryan Faber – Copymatic

Ryan Faber

OpenAI’s ChatGPT was the first of its kind of innovation and attracted many users, including me. The latest breach has put its operation in question, but I must say it was a promising example of what the future holds.

Like any AI, it is efficient in its work and delivers desired results. But after recent incidents, I’d say that it is good to have different AIs in use.

The data will be spread across different servers, so if by chance something goes wrong, not all the data will be sacrificed.

In cybersecurity, we can all only work on avoiding it.

Alejandro Zakzuk – Soluntech

Alejandro Zakzuk

At Soluntech, we’ve used ChatGPT for various purposes. It’s been helpful for peer review processes, KPI monitoring, bug solving, and generating code and readme files. For marketing, we’ve used ChatGPT to generate ideas for new topics and to create captions and hashtags for social media posts.

To get the best outcome, you need some understanding of what you’re asking. For starters, only give it highly specific requests. If you say “develop an app,” you might get a bunch of code, but it won’t be usable.

Instead, treat it like a conversation. Ask detailed questions or give instructions such as “Please rewrite the following code so that it gives X output instead of Y.”

Some people have found ChatGPT to be useful, while others have not had much success with its responses. Treat it like a laboratory, and don’t be afraid to run experiments.

I use Open AI to come up with ideas for the articles I am writing. One of the most important things when creating an expert roundup is coming up with a good topic which must be phrased as an open question to allow a variety of answers.

Before it used to take me quite a lot of time to brainstorm and research different ideas, especially in niches I am unfamiliar with but now I do it very fast thanks to AI.

To get better results from using AI you should give clear instructions regarding what you need. If you don’t like the answer that you receive click “regenerate response”.

You should adopt a conversational tone when using chat-based AI tools.

Another thing that you should do is to specify the desired format. If you have a specific format in mind for the generated content, explicitly mention it in your instructions.

For example, you can request a bulleted list, a step-by-step guide, or a short summary.

While using AI can make your work much easier you shouldn’t rely entirely on it. Often time the way Open AI writes content feels very unnatural because it uses words and expressions that are full of fluff.

Refining your search query can help with this but it’s still not enough. You should never copy and paste the content that AI gives and just publish it.

Some people prefer to only replace a few words or rephrase a couple of phrases.

When it comes to content writing I treat Open AI as a source of inspiration not as a tool that writes the article instead of me.

I used to use Jasper AI to help me create content faster for my blog. But now, ChatGPT is my tool of choice. It’s free and it’s easier and faster to use than Jasper AI.

For ChatGPT, I like to tell it what I want it to write for me. And when I say ‘tell’, that’s what I mean.

I give detailed 100-word prompts detailing exactly what to write, and how to write it. If the output is good, I complement ChatGPT as if it were a real human to sort of reinforce that particular way of writing.

If the output is of inadequate quality, I tell it to rewrite it and then I get even more specific on the instructions on how to write.
It works really well for me.

Prompt writing is a skill that I’m still improving, but I find that the more specific you get, the better output you receive.

And as a bonus, because of my detailed prompts, the output is nearly always 100% original. I know because I always check it with, which is a premium AI content detector (Content at Scale is a good free alternative to detecting AI content).

Cyrus Yung – Ascelade

Cyrus Yung

I am using ChatGPT for some of my SEO works.

All these AI tools are somewhat like your freelancers, who needed your communication to be clear and directive. If the user is not clear, these tools will not be able to give you what you expected.

So instead of giving the tools a one-liner prompt, it should be as detailed as possible. I type out the detailed prompts on a Word doc, before pasting them into ChatGPT.

Do your best to craft out an SOP for each of the work you are working on. Improve them bit by bit, so that you could improve your efficiency over time.

Arsh Sanwarwala – ThrillX

Arsh Sanwarwala

Currently, I’m experimenting with Dall-E-2 by OpenAI.

Although this isn’t as sophisticated as Midjourney, it still has some potential.

The designs look kind of like an amateur artist’s work. You need to keep the prompt short to get the best outcomes.

Define a subject, a scenario, and one or two minor details when prompting. It produces the best results.

Angie Makljenovic – She Can Blog

Angie Makljenovic

As an internet marketer and blogger, I rely heavily on generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, and Simplified. These tools are essential for helping me write high-quality content for my website and other platforms.

As a non-native English speaker, I sometimes struggle to find the right words to express myself in the most effective way. That’s where these AI tools come in.

My best tip for getting the best outcome from these tools is to leverage them to your advantage.

When I use these tools, I tell them what I want to say, and then I let them rewrite it for me in a grammatically correct and more catchy manner. This saves me a lot of time and effort, and ensures that my content is of the highest quality possible.

Overall, I highly recommend using generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, and Simplified to improve your writing skills, especially if English is not your first language.

These tools are incredibly powerful and can help you create engaging and effective content that will resonate with your audience.

Rodney Warner – Connective Web Design

Rodney Warner

The generative AI tool I am using is OpenAI.

The best tip for using OpenAI is to normalize the text. Open AI is very effective at identifying spelling mistakes in the text.

Along with this, to use it effectively, we don’t terminate the sentences with dots. Dots confuse OpenAI’s algorithm.

Modifying the Max Tokens option is another effective tip for best results. This can be taken as the maximum number of characters OpenAI uses for responses.

Maximizing its value helps in writing product descriptions.

Surya Sanchez – DeepIdea Lab

Surya Sanchez

As the founder of an IT consultancy focused on automating and improving the productivity of other businesses, we have had the opportunity to work with various AI tools such as OpenAI ChatGPT and

Our best tip for getting the best outcome from these tools is to ensure that the data being fed into them is of high quality. This means that the data should be relevant, accurate, and up-to-date.

Additionally, it is important to have a clear understanding of the problem you are trying to solve and the desired outcome. This will help in selecting the appropriate tool and fine-tuning the results.

We have seen great success in using generative AI tools to automate customer service chatbots and improve response times. These tools have also been helpful in generating personalized content for marketing campaigns.

Wrap up

Thank you so much to all the experts that have shared their AI writing tips with us!

By implementing their tips and best practices, you can unlock the full potential of AI, driving growth to your business and gaining a competitive edge.

If you feel you learned at least one useful thing, then share this post with your friends and followers on social media so we can spread the word about it!

You should also check out our cybersecurity experts roundup.

About Author

Matt Ahlgren

Mathias Ahlgren is the CEO and founder of Website Rating, steering a global team of editors and writers. He holds a master's in information science and management. His career pivoted to SEO after early web development experiences during university. With over 15 years in SEO, digital marketing, and web developmens. His focus also includes website security, evidenced by a certificate in Cyber Security. This diverse expertise underpins his leadership at Website Rating.

Minuca Elena

I am a freelance writer specializing in creating expert roundups. My expert roundup posts provide quality content, bring huge traffic, and get backlinks. I also help bloggers connect with influencers. You can find out more about my work on my website,

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