What is a Landing Page Builder, and How Does it Work?

in Landing Page Builders

A landing page builder is one of the most important tools in any internet marketer’s toolbox. It lets you create landing pages for new ideas and campaigns within minutes. It also lets you optimize your landing page’s conversion rate with split testing.

If you want to make sure all your future campaigns are home runs, then a landing page builder is a must-have.

What is a Landing Page?

Landing pages are web pages on your website that are designed specifically for a marketing campaign. Unlike any other web page on your website, a landing page is designed with a single conversion goal.

Its goal can be to get people to subscribe to your email list or to get people to make a purchase.

The specificity of a landing page is what makes it a perfect choice for advertising/marketing campaigns. Sending your Facebook Ad traffic directly to your homepage is like flushing your money down the toilet.

A landing page specifically designed for a single conversion goal gets a much higher conversion rate than your homepage or any other generic page.

Landing pages allow you to target different demographics in your marketing with different page designs and content. The more specific your copy is towards a certain demographic, the higher your rate of conversion will be.

In fact, according to Hubspot, companies that have 30 or more landing pages generate 7 times more leads than those that only use 10.

What’s the difference between a landing page and a homepage?

This graphic from Unbounce highlights the difference between your homepage and a landing page:

landing page vs homepage

As you can see, the homepage showcases multiple products and has dozens of different links. Every link on the homepage has a different goal and can distract the visitor.

On the other hand, all the links on a landing page may have different text but they all have the same goal. Another distinction is that a landing page only talks about one product.

What is a landing page builder?

A landing page builder is a software tool that allows users to create custom landing pages for their websites without the need for any coding or technical skills.

Landing page builders typically feature a drag-and-drop editor that enables users to easily place different elements on the page and arrange them in any way they like.

Some builders also come with pre-designed templates that users can customize to suit their needs.

With a landing page builder, you can craft landing pages that are tailored to your business goals, whether it’s to capture leads, promote a product, or drive conversions.

Some popular landing page builders include Landingi, Unbounce, and Leadpages, each with its own unique set of features and capabilities.

Whether you are an experienced marketer or a novice, a landing page builder can help you create professional-looking landing pages that will enhance your online presence and boost your marketing efforts.

Building a landing page is hard. You need to be good at writing code and web design. Even if you hire a web developer to build one for you, you still need to make sure it is optimized for conversions.

Building a single landing page that has a high rate of conversion can cost you thousands of dollars.

This is where landing page builders come in. They let you build a landing page with a simple drag-and-drop interface. The best part is that they come with dozens of templates that are designed by professionals and optimized for conversions.

Page builders cut in half the time it takes to build a landing page. They also give you tools such as split testing to optimize your landing pages and increase their conversion rates.

Split testing (A/B testing) lets you test different variations of the same landing page to optimize its rate of conversion. And most landing page builders come with it built-in.

Another great feature that most landing page builders offer is instant publishing. Most such builders let you publish your landing pages with just a single click.

That means you can design and publish your landing pages within minutes. This lets you quickly test out dozens of variations and find the one that converts the best.

How does a landing page builder work?

A landing page builder usually offers a simple drag/drop interface and lets you edit every element of your landing page as you see it. Basically, whatever you see on your landing page while editing is exactly what you will see once you publish it.

This lets you build your landing pages on your own without any knowledge of the design or coding that goes into building one.

Here’s what the drag-and-drop interface looks like:

how landing page builders work

This screenshot is of a tool called Divi. It’s a plugin for the WordPress CMS.

It lets you edit your pages live and see what the end result will be like when you hit the publish button. The sidebar on the left lets me customize any element I select on the page.

It lets me add new elements by clicking the Plus button under any other element:

divi landing page builder

Divi is a landing page builder that is aimed at simplicity of use. Other builders offer a drag-and-drop interface where you drag elements from a list onto your page.

Here’s what another landing page and website builder Webflow interface looks like:

webflow landing page builder

Unlike Divi, Webflow’s target users are marketers and designers who are much more comfortable with design tools such as Photoshop.

Webflow offers a lot more freedom but also has a steep learning curve if you have never used such a tool before.

Also unlike Divi, Webflow lets you drag and drop elements onto the page directly from their sidebar:


Although a landing page builder offers you complete freedom to customize your landing page however you want, it doesn’t make you start with a blank page unless that is what you want.

Landing page builders come with dozens of templates, which is one of the main reasons why marketers love them.

Also, they come with premade templates for all types of campaigns you might run.

Here’s what Unbounce’s template library looks like:

unbounce template library

As you can see, they offer dozens of templates for all types of common marketing campaigns.

There are two types of landing page builders that are suited to two different needs:

WordPress Plugins

WordPress plugins are small pieces of software that let you extend the functionality of your WordPress website. There are landing page builders that are available as WordPress plugins.

A lot of business owners and marketers prefer these tools because they are much easier to use and are connected directly to your WordPress website.

The best part about using these tools is that you can publish landing pages to your website directly just like any other page. SaaS tools usually only publish landing pages to a subdomain on your page or on a subdomain on their own domain name.

WordPress landing page builders offer just as many features as the SaaS tools but may not offer as much freedom or as many advanced features.

These are best suited for beginners and marketers who want to push out campaigns as fast as possible.

Top WordPress Page Builder Plugins:

SaaS Tools

These landing page builder tools are freeform and let you decide everything about your landing pages.

There are literally no limitations. These tools are advanced enough that they allow designers to design their landing pages directly in them and achieve the same quality as a tool such as Photoshop.

But that doesn’t mean they aren’t suited for business owners or anyone who is just starting out. Although the learning curve might be a little steep if you don’t have any experience with design tools, learning these tools gives you complete freedom over how your landing pages look, feel, and behave.

These tools are not only more advanced but are also much more expensive as they target enterprise customers.

Top SaaS Landing Page Builders:

Why do I need a landing page builder?

One of the most important aspects of creating effective landing pages is optimizing them for high conversion rates.

A/B testing is a powerful tool that allows you to test different versions of your landing pages to see which one performs better in terms of converting site visitors into customers.

By creating multiple variations of your landing page and using A/B testing to compare them, you can identify the elements of your landing page that have the greatest impact on conversion rates.

This can include everything from the wording of your headlines to the placement of your call-to-action buttons.

By continuously testing and refining your landing pages based on data-driven insights, you can achieve higher conversion rates and get the most out of your marketing efforts.

A landing page builder saves you time and money. For a small monthly fee, you get a tool that can produce landing pages that would put to shame the marketing departments of enterprise companies.

These tools come with dozens of pre-made templates that are optimized for conversions. They let you test out your marketing ideas instantly and publish new campaigns in less than half the time it usually takes.

Saves Money

A landing page builder can save you thousands of dollars in the long term. A landing page builder replaces an entire team of web developers and designers. It lets you craft landing pages on your own that would cost you over $10,000 if you were to hire a team of designers and developers.

Most landing page builders not only offer a drag-and-drop interface, they also come with dozens of tools to help you boost your conversions. Tools that allow you to split test your landing pages and create lead-capture popups, and much more.

The best part about using a landing page builder is that it comes with dozens of battle-tested templates that are proven to convert. No need to test out a dozen different designs to find one that finally works. Just pick a landing page, fill in the details, and that’s it!

Saves Time

A landing page builder lets you build and publish your landing page instantly. No need to wait for a freelancer to get back to you. No need to hire someone to put the new code on your website. No need to go back and forth with a freelancer to change something on your landing page.

Where a landing page builder shines is in its ability to let you test out dozens of different ideas in no time. Deliberate testing is how businesses go from 6 figures to 7 figures. You can create as many variations of your landing pages as you want in a matter of minutes.

Most landing page builders come with built-in A/B testing functionality. So, you can create a dozen different landing pages and your builder tool will automatically test them all, and use the one that performs the best.

Pre-made Funnel Templates

Landing page builders come with dozens of pre-made templates for landing pages. But that’s not all. They also come with premade templates for entire marketing funnels.

That means, whenever you decide to launch a new campaign, you don’t need to spend weeks coming up with ideas for a funnel. You can just use a premade template and push out your campaign within a day or two.

Most landing page builders offer templates for all types of funnels including webinar funnels, evergreen funnels, and 7-day series funnels.

ClickFunnels is the industry-leading sales funnel-building tool – but if you’ve read my review of ClickFunnels then you know that it isn’t cheap. Go here and find out what the best ClickFunnels alternatives are.

The 5 Types of Landing Pages

One of the primary benefits of using a landing page builder is the ability to easily create and publish landing pages.

With a landing page builder, you can quickly and easily create landing pages that are tailored to your specific business needs, without the need for any coding or technical skills.

Many landing page builders offer a range of customizable landing page templates that you can choose from, making it easy to create a professional-looking landing page that aligns with your brand and marketing goals.

Once you’ve created your landing page, you can publish it directly from the landing page builder to your website or a custom domain.

With a template library and easy-to-use tools for creating and publishing landing pages, a landing page builder can save you time and effort while helping you to achieve your marketing objectives.

Different types of landing pages are suited for different types of traffic. If you want the highest possible conversion rate, you need to craft landing pages that target specific segments of your market.

Here are the 5 most common types of landing pages:

Lead Capture Landing Pages

The goal of a lead capture landing page is to get contact information from the visitor that will let you contact them further. The simplest lead capture landing page simply asks for a name and an email. But you could go as far as asking them a bunch of details that will help you help them better with their inquiry.

Most internet businesses offer a freebie in return for the visitor’s contact information on their lead capture page. This freebie could be a free eBook, a video, a free trial, or a free sample of their product.

Here’s an example of a lead capture landing page that Hubspot uses:

hubspot lead capture landing page

Hubspot gives away lots of free eBooks on marketing on its blog. The catch is you have to sign up for their email list and give them some contact information in return.

When you click the Download Now button, you will see this popup that asks you for details about your company and yourself before giving you access to the download:


A lead capture page doesn’t have to offer a freebie in return. It can be an inquiry page that simply asks the visitor for their contact information so you can contact them later.

Let me show you an example…

If you search for “plumber Chicago” on Google, you will see a couple of ads on top:

google search result

And if you click any of the ads, you will see a simple landing page that gives you details about the service and asks for your contact information:


When you click the Book Your Appointment Today button, you will be asked for your contact details:

book appointment form

Landing Pages For Google Ads

Landing Pages for Google Ads are different from most other landing pages and need to follow the guidelines laid out by Google. An important guideline for example is that the messaging (including the heading) of your landing page needs to match the messaging of your Ad.

Traffic coming from Google Ads has a particular search intent. For example, someone searching Google for “cheapest basketball shoes” is probably looking to buy basketball shoes that are cheap. So, Google will show them a list of items from eCommerce sites such as eBay and Amazon.

Your landing page for Google needs to satisfy the intent of the visitor. Here’s an example of what you see when you search “Chicago Dentist”:

google serp

If someone is searching for a dentist, they probably have an emergency and that’s what the second ad in the screenshot talks about. If you open up that page, you will see an offer right away:

dental website

Google Ads landing pages work best when they target customers who are intending to make a final purchase decision.

Landing Pages for Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads are the favorite all-in-one tool of any internet marketer. They let you increase brand awareness in your target market for a very cheap price.

They let you get clicks to your landing page. They let you find and target customers who have similar interests to people who have already bought from you. Facebook Ads are like the swiss-army knife of internet marketing.

Here’s what a Facebook ad usually looks like:

facebook ads landing page

This Ad is from a site called the Diet Doctor. They offer personalized diet plans to help you lose weight. See how this ad targets a specific demographic. This is where Facebook Ads shine. They let you target specific small niches in your market.

This Ad leads to a simple landing page that offers a quiz:

diet website

Once someone fills out this quiz, they are asked for their contact information and offered a freebie (a free diet plan) in return. Most businesses use Facebook ads to get people through the door. This usually means getting people to subscribe to your email.

Long-Form Sales Landing Page

A long-form sales landing page is where you finally push for the sale. This is where you destroy any objections your prospects might have and go for the kill.

Long-form sales pages (aka sales letters) are mostly only used for expensive products such as courses that cost over $1,000 or a consulting retainer.

These landing pages are called long-form because as the name implies they are usually very long.

Here’s an example of a landing page for a course called Earnable by best-selling personal finance author Ramit Sethi:

long form sales landing page

This course costs over $2,000. If you decide to read this landing page in its entirety, it would take you over an hour.

A long-form landing page lists all the benefits you will receive from the product:

It also breaks down any objections a prospect might have:

Ramit Sethi’s landing page breaks down every objection imaginable that his prospects might have throughout his landing page. That’s why it’s so long.

Pricing Page

Believe it or not, your pricing page is a landing page. And one of the most important ones at that. Most people who visit your pricing page are considering purchasing your product. It’s your chance to make a sale.

A good pricing page reminds the prospect why your product is the best choice. It does so by showcasing what your product does and how it can help your customer achieve their desired results. An easy way to do this is to simply list all the features of your product.

That’s how LeadPages does it on their pricing page:

leadpages landing pages

It also destroys any objections and fears your prospects might have about buying your product or service. Do you offer a refund if the customer doesn’t like your product? Is there a fair-use policy for your software/service? Try to answer as many such questions as possible on your pricing page.

A simple but effective way of answering any questions your prospects might have is an FAQ section at the end of the page.

You might have noticed that most software companies these days include an FAQ section at the bottom of their pricing page. Here’s what it looks like for Convertkit:

convertkit landing pages

Convertkit’s FAQ section is a great example. It answers almost all the questions their prospects might have when they are thinking of making a purchase.

Questions & Answers

Wrap Up

One of the main benefits of using a landing page builder with a drag-and-drop editor or smart builder is that it can help increase your website’s conversion rates.

By creating landing pages specifically designed to convert site visitors into leads or customers, you can improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and see better results from your website traffic.

With the ability to easily create and publish landing pages, even businesses with limited technical knowledge can take advantage of this powerful tool to drive more conversions from their website visitors.

Whether you are starting a startup or running an online business, you need a landing page builder. It lets you test out new ideas quickly and launch new marketing campaigns within hours.

It also takes out the guesswork that goes into building a high-converting landing page by offering hundreds of conversion-optimized premade templates.

About Author

Matt Ahlgren

Mathias Ahlgren is the CEO and founder of Website Rating, steering a global team of editors and writers. He holds a master's in information science and management. His career pivoted to SEO after early web development experiences during university. With over 15 years in SEO, digital marketing, and web developmens. His focus also includes website security, evidenced by a certificate in Cyber Security. This diverse expertise underpins his leadership at Website Rating.

WSR Team

The "WSR Team" is the collective group of expert editors and writers specializing in technology, internet security, digital marketing, and web development. Passionate about the digital realm, they produce well-researched, insightful, and accessible content. Their commitment to accuracy and clarity makes Website Rating a trusted resource for staying informed in the dynamic digital world.

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